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Saturday Youth All American Party
Saturday, July 20, 2024, 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 2

Event Title: Saturday Youth All American Party
Event Date: 2024-07-20
Event Time: 13:00-17:00
FSS Facility: Youth Center
Audience: Youth Ages 9-18 yrs
Location: YC and Friendship Pool

What is the event?

Socializing: Enjoy a day filled with summer staples with your friends and connect with peers who share similar interests or backgrounds, fostering new friendships and connections.
Entertainment: It's a chance to let loose, have fun, and enjoy yourself in a relaxed environment. Come and celebrate the energy, creativity, and vitality of young people. Take a break from the stresses of everyday life to unwind and enjoy being young.
Memorable Experiences: Youth parties often create lasting memories. Whether it's through hilarious moments, bonding with friends, or trying something new, these experiences can enrich your life and provide stories to reminisce about in the future.

Why should people attend?
Who doesn't like swimming, s'mores, and hotdogs!! The All-American youth party can be a chance to have a good time, make connections, and create lasting memories in a fun and safe atmosphere.

Members: $25
Non-members: $35

Additional Information:
Sign up in CYPBMS by 18 Jul EOB
Participation minimum: 8

YC  (1)-min.png
Location Youth Center
Contact 830-298-4363